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Techno Linear Motion Catalog 44 Technical Information Drive Dimensioning and Calculation of Drive Torque The nominal drive torque consists mainly of ‘load torque’, ‘acceleration torque’ and ‘no-load torque’. Definitions MA [N m] required drive torque MLast [N m]resulting load torque MNLT [N m] no load torque* Mrot [N m]  rotary acceleration torque Mtrans [N m] acceleration torque FX [N] feed force Fa [N] acceleration force g [m/s2] gravity = 9.81 Vmax [m/s]    max feedrate FE [N] external force p [mm] screw lead m[kg] total mass to be moved a [m/s2] acceleration P [kW] driving power nmax[1/min]  max. speed m friction factor = 0.05 ME [N m] external load torque Jsyn[Kgm2/m] = 0.0000325       m = mass of load + mass of carriage(s) Fr (a) a F2 Mx F1 Mz My F2 F1 Fr (a) Fr (a) = = F1 F2 cos a sin a Mtrans =   Fa x p               2 p x 1000 MLast =     Fx x p             2 p x 1000 *relevant data are given on the following data sheets for the Ball Screw Slides Acceleration Torque Mtrans Rotary Acceleration Torque Mrot Mrot = Jsyn x L x nmax x 9 x 2               Vmax x 60 x 1000 Feed Force Fx Fx = m x g x m Acceleration Force Fa Fa = m x a with vertical loads, the acceleration to gravity g must be added to the mass acceleration (g=9.81 m/s2) Driving Power P P = MA x nmax x 2     60 x 1000 Resulting Torque MLast Drive Torque Formula: MA = MLast + Mtrans + Mrot + MNLT + ME External Torque ME ME =   FE x d0           2 x 1000 p p