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techquestions@techno-isel.com 55 In this example, the B side is float-mounted and expansion due to heat or fitting inaccuracies cannot lead to jams. Where relatively large off center forces prevail, it is advantageous to use 2 single-sided guide rails with the largest possible distance between the rollers. Application Examples Increasing rail, center-to-center distance in- creases moment capacity of the system Side A Side B Carriage Plate Eccentric Roller Concentric Support Roller Eccentric Support Roller This slide is free to float in a horizontal direction Spacer Rail Rail Flat Rail Concentric Roller Bill of Materials Catalog Numbers: Qty. 1 HIBS90M50-31000 1 2 HIDS50M1000 1 3 HIBS04F1000 1 4 HICC21MO 2 5 HIEC21MO 2 6 HIRK90M3ZD 2 7 HIRK90M3ED 2 8 HI9050M140 1 Concentric Roller Rail Spacer Rail Rail Eccentric Roller Bill of Materials Catalog Numbers: Qty. 1    HIBS90M20H-22000   2 2    HIDS20MH200 2 3    HIRK90M2ZD 2 4    HIRK90M2ED 2